Vintage UC Riverside Men’s Tank Top – 1950s Highlander Bagpipe Bear Art

By Rivalry Week Outfitters not affiliated with or Sponsored by any school or team

$32.50 USD

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Rivalry Week Outfitters and its products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any college, university or licensing entity.


Take a nostalgic dive into the past with the Vintage UC Riverside Men’s Tank Top, featuring 1950s artwork of the valiant Highlander Bear Mascot in full bagpipe glory. Representing the spirit of the UC Riverside Highlanders, this imagery nods to the school’s Scottish heritage, evoking memories of the gritty, yet jocular, bear that used to rally the crowd. This unique tank top lets you support the Highlanders while celebrating the storied history of their beloved mascot.

Additional information

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2XL, L, M, S, XL, XS




Navy, oatmeal triblend















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