Vintage Iowa Football Hawkeye Baby T Shirt – 1945 Iowa Stiff Arm Art

By Rivalry Week Outfitters not affiliated with or Sponsored by any school or team

$26.00 USD

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Rivalry Week Outfitters and its products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any college, university or licensing entity.


Embrace nostalgia with our Vintage Iowa Football Hawkeye Baby T Shirts. The shirt highlights an original 1945 artwork of the Hawkeye, Iowa’s celebrated mascot, delivering a potent stiff arm. The unique design pays tribute to the Hawkeye’s patriotic origin, named after a valiant Native American leader. These tees are a comfortable, stylish way for your little one to showcase their love for the iconic Iowa Hawkeyes, a symbol of unity and strength on the University of Iowa campus. Ideal for the baby who is born to be a Hawkeye fan.

Additional information

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The shirt highlights an original 1945 artwork of the Hawkeye, Iowa's celebrated mascot, delivering a potent stiff arm. The unique design pays tribute to the Hawkeye's patriotic origin, named after a valiant Native American leader. These tees are a comfortable, stylish way for your little one to showcase their love for the iconic Iowa Hawkeyes, a symbol of unity and strength on the University of Iowa campus. Ideal for the baby who is born to be a Hawkeye fan. 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12-18m, 18-24m, 6-12m




Black, White





  • 100% Airlume combed ring-spun cotton
  • Heather colors are 52% combed ring-spun cotton, 48% polyester
Size Body Length Weight
6-12m 12 1/4 16 – 22
12-18m 13 1/4 22 – 27
18-24m 14 1/4 27 – 30

* Product measurements may vary by up to 2″ (5 cm).

Fit: Looser, relaxed
Feel: Soft, comfy
Pre-shrunk: Yes

  • testingggg
  • Side-seamed construction
  • Tear-away tag
