Vintage Indiana Mascot Baby T Shirt – 1960s Barefoot Hoosier Art

By Rivalry Week Outfitters not affiliated with or Sponsored by any school or team

$26.00 USD

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Rivalry Week Outfitters and its products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any college, university or licensing entity.


Celebrate a piece of Indiana University’s history with our Vintage Indiana Mascot Baby T-Shirts, featuring the defunct Hoosiers mascot from the 1960s. Lovingly crafted from premium materials, the design showcases a mascot that no longer exists, giving this shirt a unique, nostalgic charm. It’s perfect for little sports enthusiasts and future IU Hoosiers alike. The Hoosiers mascot has been through various incarnations, from a bison to a student, encapsulating the vibrant spirit of Indiana University. Notably, the school’s beautiful campus is also home to the renowned Hoosiers athletic teams. Share your passion for the past with these Vintage Indiana Mascot Baby T-Shirts.

Additional information

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Lovingly crafted from premium materials, the design showcases a mascot that no longer exists, giving this shirt a unique, nostalgic charm. It's perfect for little sports enthusiasts and future IU Hoosiers alike. The Hoosiers mascot has been through various incarnations, from a bison to a student, encapsulating the vibrant spirit of Indiana University. Notably, the school's beautiful campus is also home to the renowned Hoosiers athletic teams. Share your passion for the past with these Vintage Indiana Mascot Baby T-Shirts. 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12-18m, 18-24m, 6-12m




Black, White





  • 100% Airlume combed ring-spun cotton
  • Heather colors are 52% combed ring-spun cotton, 48% polyester
Size Body Length Weight
6-12m 12 1/4 16 – 22
12-18m 13 1/4 22 – 27
18-24m 14 1/4 27 – 30

* Product measurements may vary by up to 2″ (5 cm).

Fit: Looser, relaxed
Feel: Soft, comfy
Pre-shrunk: Yes

  • testingggg
  • Side-seamed construction
  • Tear-away tag
