Vintage Idaho Men’s Tank Top – 1950s Grumpy Vandal Art

By Rivalry Week Outfitters not affiliated with or Sponsored by any school or team

$32.50 USD

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Rivalry Week Outfitters and its products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any college, university or licensing entity.


Show off your Idaho pride with the Vintage Idaho Men’s Tank Top, featuring a nostalgic 1950s design of the classic Grumpy Vandal mascot. This unique piece showcases our beloved mascot in his iconic helmet, nonchalantly leaning on an Idaho block ‘I’. This was the first version of the mascot, before Joe Vandal took over. The artwork not only celebrates Idaho Vandals’ rich history but also adds a touch of retro style to your sports apparel collection. Perfect for both sports enthusiasts and Idaho Vandals supporters.

Additional information

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This unique piece showcases our beloved mascot in his iconic helmet, nonchalantly leaning on an Idaho block 'I'. This was the first version of the mascot, before Joe Vandal took over. The artwork not only celebrates Idaho Vandals' rich history but also adds a touch of retro style to your sports apparel collection. Perfect for both sports enthusiasts and Idaho Vandals supporters. 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32.50 [75216] => 32.50 [75217] => 32.50 [75218] => 32.50 [75219] => 32.50 [75220] => 32.50 [75221] => 32.50 [75222] => 32.50 [75223] => 32.50 [75224] => 32.50 ) ) ) [internal_meta_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => _visibility [1] => _sku [2] => _global_unique_id [3] => _price [4] => _regular_price [5] => _sale_price [6] => _sale_price_dates_from [7] => _sale_price_dates_to [8] => total_sales [9] => _tax_status [10] => _tax_class [11] => _manage_stock [12] => _stock [13] => _stock_status [14] => _backorders [15] => _low_stock_amount [16] => _sold_individually [17] => _weight [18] => _length [19] => _width [20] => _height [21] => _upsell_ids [22] => _crosssell_ids [23] => _purchase_note [24] => _default_attributes [25] => _product_attributes [26] => _virtual [27] => _downloadable [28] => _download_limit [29] => _download_expiry [30] => _featured [31] => _downloadable_files [32] => _wc_rating_count [33] => _wc_average_rating [34] => _wc_review_count [35] => _variation_description [36] => 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2XL, L, M, S, XL, XS




Athletic Heather, Black-Charcoal Triblend, oatmeal triblend, White





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