Vintage Cal State Long Beach Women’s Flowy Tank Top – 1950s Leaning 49er Mascot Art

By Rivalry Week Outfitters not affiliated with or Sponsored by any school or team

$35.00 USD

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Rivalry Week Outfitters and its products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any college, university or licensing entity.


Experience collegiate nostalgia with the Vintage Cal State Long Beach Women’s Flowy Tank Top. This tank features an authentic 1950s design of the beloved Long Beach State 49’ers mascot, with our gold-dusted prospector, “Prospector Pete”, leaning casually on his pick axe. Known for its extensive sports programs, CSULB’s campus lies just a few miles from the beach. Don this unique piece to celebrate a rich history, near ocean breezes, and esteemed 49’ers athletic legacy.

Additional information

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This tank features an authentic 1950s design of the beloved Long Beach State 49'ers mascot, with our gold-dusted prospector, "Prospector Pete", leaning casually on his pick axe. Known for its extensive sports programs, CSULB's campus lies just a few miles from the beach. Don this unique piece to celebrate a rich history, near ocean breezes, and esteemed 49'ers athletic legacy. 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2XL, L, M, S, XL




Black, White















50% polyester, 25% combed ring-spun cotton, 25% rayon

Size Label Length Width
XS 26 ⅛ 15 ¼
S 26 ¾ 16 ¼
M 27 ⅜ 17 ¼
L 28 18 ¼
XL 28 ⅝ 19 ¼

* Product measurements may vary by up to 2″ (5 cm).

Fit: Regular fit
Feel: Extra soft, very lightweight, thin & comfy
Pre-shrunk: Yes

  • Racerback cut
  • Tear-away label
  • Raw edge seams