Northern Colorado Vintage Men’s Tank Top – 1950s Leaning Bear Art

By Rivalry Week Outfitters not affiliated with or Sponsored by any school or team

$32.50 USD

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Rivalry Week Outfitters and its products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, or endorsed by any college, university or licensing entity.


Explore the nostalgic charm of the Northern Colorado Vintage Men’s Tank Top. Emblazoned with the iconic 1950s Northern Colorado Bears mascot, the design features a grumpy bear leaning on a CSCE sailor cap, harkening back to the schools’ original name. The perfect merger of sports history and contemporary style, it’s a clever nod to the legacy of ‘Klawz’, the beloved bear mascot. Ideal for any sports apparel enthusiast with a taste for retro chic.

Additional information

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Emblazoned with the iconic 1950s Northern Colorado Bears mascot, the design features a grumpy bear leaning on a CSCE sailor cap, harkening back to the schools' original name. The perfect merger of sports history and contemporary style, it's a clever nod to the legacy of 'Klawz', the beloved bear mascot. Ideal for any sports apparel enthusiast with a taste for retro chic. 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2XL, L, M, S, XL, XS




Navy, oatmeal triblend, White





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